Current and Past WRF Theta Profile Forecast Trend |
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MKWC Forecast | Auto Forecast | GFS | WRF | Machine Learning Prediction Select Parameter: Key Summit Variables | High Cloud Indicator | Seeing/Instability | Theta Profile Select Resolution: 900 m | 300 m Select Forecast: Current | Current and Past /forecast/mko/trends/wrf/thta/ DISCLAIMER: Please note this is the WRF forecast for the closest grid point and height to the Mauna Kea Observatories. It has NOT been filtered by the Mauna Kea Weather Center Forecast Meteorologist. These values are often subject to adjustments as a result of the topography, time of the day, and current/up-coming weather conditions. A very general and crude guideline to adjust for the biases of each variable can be found here. An alternative to this is to select the Forecast option above. |